SPPC Newsletter - March 2017
1. Parish Paths Partnership scheme (P3) 2017
P3 is a Rights of Way improvements initiative funded by Hertfordshire County Council and administered by Groundwork Hertfordshire. The scheme offers parish and town councils in Hertfordshire grants of up to £1000 to improve, enhance or promote existing public rights of way to benefit the local community. Groundwork may also be able to help you locate additional funding for parish paths projects that are over £1000, including the Tesco Bags of Help scheme (see below).
If you are interested in taking up the P3 grant opportunity then your Planned Work Programme should be returned to Groundwork as soon as possible in order for grants to be approved and processed in time for the end of April.
Groundwork also manages the Tesco Bags of Help local community grant scheme, which you may already be aware of. Bags of Help is a valuable source of extra funding for parish and town councils for community improvements and activities, including topping up P3 grants for footpaths and environmental improvements/ enhancement.
Bags of Help grants can also be used for repairs to or development of community buildings, scout huts, local sports facilities (including changing rooms, etc), as well as costs for activities (and equipment) such as entering Britain in Bloom, or even purchasing Christmas lights for a local high street. You can apply as many times as you like for different projects within your area, for awards of between £1000 and £4,000.
For full details of the Bags of Help grant scheme and to apply online please visit our website: http://www.groundwork.org.uk/Sites/tescocommunityscheme/pages/Category/boh-grant-for-project-tes
Stephen Windmill
Community Project Officer
Tesco Bags of Help Hertfordshire Enabler
Groundwork Hertfordshire
T: 01707 255178 / 07736 132825
E: stephen.windmill@groundwork.org.uk
2. Stansted Airport Community Trust
If you think that your organisation qualifies and could benefit from additional funding of up to £2,000 to help with a project that you have in mind, then please contact SACT, PO Box 11, County Hall, Chelmsford, CM1 1LX or email cllr.susan.barker@essex.gov.uk for an application form or advice.
The closing date for the next round of applications is 23 June 2017.
The Trust does not fund projects for parish councils or individuals and does not grant money for completed projects.
For further details contact:
Cllr Susan Barker, Chairman Stansted Airport Community Trust
Tel: 01245 231250 Email: cllr.susan.barker@essex.gov.uk
3. Have your say on the Housing White Paper
Last month, the government finally released the Housing White Paper as a document to start the discussion over how the nation will takc the housing crises. The white paper "Fixing our broken housing market" sets out a broad range of reforms that the government plans to introduce to help reform the housing market and increase the supply of new homes.
You can view the Housing White Paper here:
To help us provide a voice for the nation, Civic Voice and the APPG for Civic Societies are seeking town and parish council's views on various issues including
- How can we making plans easier to produce
- How should we be assessing housing requirements
- How can we making enough land available in the right places
- Improving local authorities' role in land assembly and disposal
- What is the future for Green Belt land
- How do we strengthen neighbourhood planning and design
This message sent by Ben Murray, Civic Voice
4. The Hundred Parishes Society
The Hundred Parishes Society has more than a hundred member parishes and covers an area of about 450 square miles, including North-East Hertfordshire, North-West Essex and South Cambridgeshire. It is a region characterised by the existence of an above average proportion of listed buildings combined with a largely semi-rural landscape. The main aim of the Society is to promote appreciation and protection of the historic, architectural and wildlife aspects of the geographic area comprising the hundred parishes.
The organisation is a registered charity. The membership fee is £10 per year. Events include organised walks and talks. There is a website ( www.hundredparishes.org.uk ) and a monthly newsletter. A hundred parishes guide book is in production. The organisation can be contacted by email at hundredparishes@btinternet.com or telephone 01279 813226
Stocking Pelham Parish Council is a member of The Hundred Parishes Society.
5. 2017 Rural Living Awards
These awards celebrate efforts made by groups, individuals or businesses to improve life in their community and enhance the environment in Hertfordshire's villages and countryside. Anyone interested in the future of rural living in Hertfordshire can make a nomination or be nominated.
You can nominate yourself or members of the public, municipal and other authorities, farmers, individual craftspeople, community, youth or parish groups or businesses. Complete a form, downloadable from our website www.cpreherts.org.uk/awards, then email your nominations to gill@cpreherts.org.uk or post to the address below. A panel of experienced judges will review the nominations during the summer and the Awards will be presented at an evening event in October.
ENTER NOW: closing date 26 May
CPRE Hertfordshire, 31a Church Street, Welwyn, Herts AL6 9LW
Email: office@cpreherts.org.uk Tel: 01438 717587 .
Clerk to Stocking Pelham Parish Council ( clerk@stockingpelhampc.org.uk )