SPPC Newsletter - October 2017

Hertfordshire County Council Countryside Management Service

Details about the Countryside Management Service can be found under 'Recycling, Waste and Environment' section of the HCC website - www.hertfordshire.gov.uk

The aim of the Countryside Management Service is to work with communities to help them care for and enjoy the environment.

- Leaflets for self-guided walks and cycle routes are available.

- 'Walks and more' gives details of a variety of activities aimed at inspiring people to explore the Hertfordshire countryside.

- Hertfordshire Health Walks* is a countywide initiative of free, led walks which aims to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get outdoors, get more active and reap the benefits.

*See also: Keep Active

Details about Keep Active can be found under 'Health in Herts' section of the HCC website - www.hertfordshire.gov.uk

Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies (HALS)

Details about HALs can be found under 'Libraries and Archives' section of the HCC website - www.hertfordshire.gov.uk

For those interested in researching either local history or family history associated with Hertfordshire, the county archives contain a huge range of historical documents, many of which can be accessed online.

A free exhibition about Traditional Hertfordshire opened on Friday 13th October in the HALS foyer at County Hall and will run until the end of November.

The exhibition examines ancient rural traditions as well as those brought here by settlers. There are booths in which you may record your own memories.

Hertfordshire and Middlesex Wildlife Trust

The Trust works to create an environment rich in wildlife for everyone across Hertfordshire and Middlesex. It does this by caring for nature reserves, advising landowners and land managers on how to manage their land for wildlife and through lobbying and influencing decision-makers to make the best choices for nature.

The Trust comments on planning applications, gives advice to planning authorities and campaigns to protect wildlife from threats. The Trust works with local communities to promote wildlife conservation and to encourage people to be active volunteers.

All of this work helps in building a Living Landscape, where nature is fully valued, in the towns as well as in the countryside. For further information, go to www.hertswildlifetrust.org.uk

Clerk to Stocking Pelham Parish Council ( clerk@stockingpelhampc.org.uk )


SPPC Newsletter - February 2018


SPPC Newsletter - March 2017