SPPC Newsletter - November 2016

1. East Herts District Plan

This plan identifies how East Herts will grow and develop while at the same time maintaining its attractiveness as a place to live, work in and visit.

The East Herts District Plan is open to public consultation until 5pm on 15th December 2016. The plan itself is 338 pages in length. Stocking Pelham Parish Council has two hard copies of the Pre-Submission Plan. Paper copies of Frequently Asked Questions and a comment form are available in the Telephone Kiosk Library. All consultation documents are downloadable by chapter at www.eastherts.gov.uk/presubmissiondistrictplan.

The following sections of the East Herts District Plan are particularly relevant to Stocking Pelham:

- Policy VILL3 Group 3 Villages (see Part 1, Ch 10, p 133) which states the principles governing the permission of development in Group 3 Villages. Paragraph 10.6 relates to the Retail, Leisure and Community Facilities in villages.

- Policies CFLR7 Community Facilities and CFLR8 Loss of Community Facilities (see Part 2, Ch 19, pp246-248) which specifies the principles governing the retention or loss of community facilities.

- Policy HA9 Enabling Development (see Part 2, Ch 21, pp275-276) which refers to securing the long-term future of a significant place by permitting enabling development.

Comments can be made via consult.eastherts.gov.uk. The Stocking Pelham Parish Council will discuss its response to the consultation at the next SPPC meeting, on 1st December.

2. NHS Guide to getting the help you need in Hertfordshire

This is a useful leaflet which directs you to the service most appropriate to your needs. Copies are available in the Telephone Kiosk Library.

3. School Admissions Policy Consultation for September 2018 Entry to St. Mary’s Catholic School

The Admissions Authority of St. Mary's Catholic School have decided to consult on admission arrangements for September 2018. The consultation runs from 14th November to 23rd December 2016. The relevant paperwork and an opportunity to respond can be found on- www.stmarys.net, by clicking on the tab Admissions/Consultation-September 2018 or alternatively clicking on the link: http://www.stmarys.net/admissions/consultation-september-2018/

The oversubscription criteria remain very similar to previous years. However, criterion 6 now states:

"Any other Baptised Catholic applicant, with priority given to those with a Certificate of Catholic Practice."

This sits underneath the existing criteria 1-5 which remain completely unchanged:

Clerk to Stocking Pelham Parish Council ( clerk@stockingpelhampc.org.uk )


SPPC Newsletter - March 2017