The Cock public house change of use refused
You may have heard that the planning application to convert the Cock public house into residential units has been refused by East Herts District Council. This means that there is the potential to revive the pub. There is still a lot of work to be done but at least the potential is there. I want to express my gratitude and thanks to everyone who objected to the proposal. The planners recognised your objections and I quote:
“The proposal would result in the loss of a valued local community facility that plays an important role in social cohesion in a rural location, and would be detrimental to the well-being of local residents. The representations received (over 130) show clearly the public house is needed by the local community”.
This is a good result but will no doubt be taken to appeal at the planning inspectorate, as has every negative decision about the Cock. The planning inspectorate has already twice ruled against a change of use, so it seems unlikely they will overturn East Herts' decision. It costs nothing for the developer to appeal and he has six months in which to appeal.
Given the clear continued interest from the village and beyond in restoring the pub, I am pleased to say that Councillor Colin Berthoud has agreed to work with East Herts and members of the community in an effort to compel the developer to either restore or divest the building.
Tony Southam
Chairman, Stocking Pelham Parish Council