Summary Points - Declaration of Trust for the Village Hall

·        The Declaration of Trust is registered under the auspices of the Parish Council and the property that we know as the Village Hall was conveyed to the Parish Council in 1955

·        The Parish Council are the ‘custodian Trustees’ of the property

·        The Village Hall Committee are the ‘administrators’ (charity)

Committee of Management Summary:

·        Consists of elected and representative members and may include co-opted members.

·        4 members are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting and the term of office ends at the AGM the following year.

·        4 Representative members of the Committee shall be appointed by the following organisations:

The Parish Council

The Stocking Pelham Cricket Club

The Stocking Pelham Recreation Club

The Parochial Church Council

·        Their names will be notified to the Secretary of the Committee by each ‘appointing organisation.

·        They shall be appointed before the AGM (unless filling a casual vacancy).

·        They will serve from the end of the first AGM after their appointment to the AGM the following year.

·        The Committee has the power to co-opt not more than 2 members to hold office until the end of the AGM following their co-option.

·        Any competent Member of the Committee may be re-appointed or re-elected.

·        Any application from an existing or newly formed organisation ‘in the area of benefit’ may appoint a member, following a committee meeting with a two thirds majority vote

·        There is a procedure for filling a casual vacancy.

Meetings Summary:

·        The Committee shall hold at least two ordinary meetings in each year and more if required. A special meeting may be summoned by the Chair or any two members, giving 7 days’ notice.

·        At the first meeting after the AGM, the Committee will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair who will continue in office until their successors are elected.

·        Matters are to be determined by the majority of members present and voting on the question.


To be held in April each year or as soon as practicable thereafter.

All inhabitants of the age of 18 can attend and vote.

Public notice of AGM 7 days beforehand.

The Committee shall present to each AGM the report and accounts of the Foundation for the previous year.

Summary of other matters:

·        There is a section on ‘Application of Income’ – e.g. Repairs and Insurance, Surplus Cash.

·        Minutes and Accounts – The Committee shall provide and keep a Minute Book and books of accounts. All proper accounts in relation to the Foundation shall, in each year, be prepared and made out and copies sent to the Parish Council (area of benefit).

·        Use by other bodies or persons is dealt with (First Schedule, point 19)

·        First Schedule, point 22 deals with Rules and Regulations, e.g. the appointment of a Secretary, the appointment of an Auditor, Treasurer, the number of members who shall form a quorum, etc.

·        Questions under Deed – its construction, regularity or validity of any acts done or about to be done shall be determined conclusively by the Minister of Education.



Christmas Fun at the Pop-Up Pub


Meeting to shape the future of the Village Hall 21st November 2023